Social Game Platform

Social Game Platform

Social Game Platform

The company develops 3 social game platforms including its popular interactive social game “Bravo Casino”, “Ace Club” with the latest games and most successful events, and “Jackpot Island” which is designed for casual players of the global market.

Bravo Casino
Bravo Casino

Bravo Casino

Bravo Casino is an interactive social game platform launched in 2017, with global users surpassing 5 million and recommended by Google Play and the Samsung Galaxy Store. The product name originates from the idea of enhancing social interaction through playing "slot" machines, allowing players to enjoy "playing together" in the game. The goal of this platform is to "make the game more fun" by optimizing social interaction experiences and aiming to create a more enjoyable gaming world.

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Ace Club
Ace Club

Ace Club

Ace Club is an online social game platform focused on the Taiwan market. Launched in March 2021, it has accumulated over 250,000 registered members. The platform features a wide variety of machines and gameplay options, with more than 120 games released to date, and the number of games continues to grow.

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Jackpot Island
Jackpot Island

Jackpot Island

An online social game platform specifically designed for the European and American markets, featuring a variety of innovative machine game mechanics. The platform adds an average of 2-3 new games each month, recreating popular European and American arcade games. It also incorporates mainstream Western storylines to emotionally engage players, catering to the preferences and demands of Western players.

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