Sustainable Governance
ESG Task Force
Message from the Chairman
Reflecting on 2023, the world faced many significant challenges and changes. Climate change and environmental issues remained central concerns globally. As climate change continues to intensify, more proactive measures must be taken to mitigate its impact. Reducing carbon emissions, protecting biodiversity, and addressing extreme weather events are ongoing environmental challenges worldwide. Additionally, the global economic recovery and uncertainties, supply chain crises, inflation pressures, and trade tensions affect the stability and growth of the global economy.
Amid external environmental challenges, GameSparcs’ overall performance remained stable. In 2023, consolidated operating revenue reached NT$774.45 million, with a continuous increase in gross profit margin to 79%. Operating profit was NT$123.85 million and consolidated net profit after tax was NT$102.11 million of which NT$102.02 million was attributable to the owners of GameSparcs. Earnings per share were NT$2.43, outperforming the same period last year.
In response to the sustainability trend, the Board of Directors approved the establishment of the ESG Task Force in 2022 as the organization to promote sustainable development. This task force formulates and advances sustainable development policies and specific implementation plans. Moreover, we proactively complied with regulatory timelines and requirements by initiating organizational greenhouse gas inventory operations in 2023. We established an inventory management system of greenhouse gas to actively pursue net-zero carbon emissions and address climate and environmental issues. We also set 2023 as the base year for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste. Simultaneously, internal evaluations were conducted to set targets and strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste.
In terms of social prosperity, the GX Foundation, established in 2016, adheres to the original intention of giving back to society. Focusing on social and environmental issues, the Foundation uses diverse and innovative content, critical thinking education, and action mobilization to connect organizations within and outside the system, creating a socially impactful public welfare platform to unite collective efforts for the common good of society.
Looking ahead, we will continue to uphold the principles of Advance, Coexistence, and Evolution, striving to create a positive cycle and generate greater value.
GameSparcs Chairman
Stanley Ku

GameSparcs established the ESG Task Force on May 11, 2022, following the board of directors' resolution. This task force, led by the Chairman and convened by the Chief Financial Officer, includes the heads of corporate governance and the main management team. Their role is to formulate and implement sustainable development policies, systems, or related management guidelines and specific promotion plans.

Sustainability Highlights

Operations and Implementation Status
The ESG Task Force reports to the board of directors at least once a year regarding management operations and implementation. The most recent report was on
November 11, 2024. The board of directors, adhering to the supervisory authorities' sustainable development blueprint and considering stakeholders' interests, aims to
achieve the Company's sustainable development goals. They draft a sustainable strategy development blueprint, requiring each unit of the ESG Task Force to set annual work goals and execution items. Regular meetings are held to review the progress, effectiveness, and resource allocation, including financial investments. For major work plans such as greenhouse gas inventory, the task force reports progress to the board on an ad-hoc basis.
In response to the latest amendments to the "Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies" by the Financial Supervisory Commission, GameSparcs is actively aligning with the trends in sustainable governance. The company is set to comprehensively enhance sustainable information management practices by requiring listed companies to integrate sustainable information management into their internal control systems and designate it as a key focus of annual audits. To ensure the integrity and transparency of information management, GameSparcs has carefully formulated sustainable information management guidelines, which have been approved by the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. These guidelines will be systematically incorporated into the existing internal control system and included in the annual internal audit plan to fully embody the spirit of sustainable governance. This initiative not only complies with the latest regulatory requirements of the competent authority but also underscores GameSparcs' firm commitment to corporate social responsibility. Through institutionalized sustainable information management, GameSparcs aims to more effectively track, assess, and disclose its sustainability performance, thereby creating long-term value for stakeholders.